It is OPSBA’s goal to negotiate fair and equitable collective agreements through the collective bargaining process. Our priority continues to be the improvement of student achievement and well-being. That remains the focus of our bargaining.
Collective Bargaining: Background
Collective Bargaining Status Updates
*as of June 10, 2024
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF)
OPSBA received Notice to Bargain from OSSTF on June 6, 2022. On August 25, 2022, OSSTF, OPSBA and the Crown reached an agreement on matters to be bargained centrally for OSSTF Teachers.
On August 11, 2023, OSSTF announced to its members that it was preparing to hold a strike vote, as early as fall 2023.
On August 25, it was announced that OPSBA, the CTA, OSSTF and the Crown, had reached a tentative agreement that would establish a process to conclude the current round of central and local collective bargaining. This agreement applies to both the OSSTF-Teacher/Occasional Teachers and OSSTF-Education Workers.
On September 27, it was announced that the agreement was approved by all parties. Central bargaining continued within the defined timeframe until October 27. Following that time frame, outstanding items were referred to an Interest Arbitration process. The Interest Arbitration Board’s decision was announced on May 29, concluding the bargaining process for this round.
OSSTF Education Workers
The CTA received Notice to Bargain from OSSTF Education Workers on June 6, 2022. On August 25, OSSTF-EW, the Council of Trustees’ Associations (CTA) and the Crown reached an agreement on matters to be bargained centrally for OSSTF Education Workers.
On August 25, it was announced that OPSBA, the CTA, OSSTF and the Crown, had reached a tentative agreement that would establish a process to conclude the current round of central and local collective bargaining. This agreement applies to both the OSSTF-Teacher/Occasional Teachers and OSSTF-Education Workers.
On September 27, it was announced that the agreement was approved by all parties. Central bargaining continued within the defined timeframe until October 27. Following that time frame, outstanding items were referred to an Interest Arbitration process, which took place in mid-April 2024. The Interest Arbitration Board’s decision was announced on April 24, concluding the bargaining process for this round.
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO)
OPSBA received Notice to Bargain from ETFO on June 13, 2022. Initial meetings have have occurred.
On August 14, 2023, ETFO announced that it is preparing to hold a strike vote in September and October 2023. On October 18, ETFO announced that 95% of members had voted to support strike action.
On August 29, ETFO informed OPSBA and the Crown that they would be filing an application for concilitation with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. This means a conciliation officer will be appointed to assist the parties.
On November 21, OPSBA was pleased to announce that the Association and the provincial government had successfully negotiated a tentative settlement on central terms of a collective agreement with the ETFO Teachers. On December 19, OPSBA announced that it had ratified the agreement with ETFO Teachers / Occasional Teachers. The ratification process is now complete.
News Release: OPSBA ratifies agreement reached with ETFO Teachers
ETFO Education Workers
The CTA received Notice to Bargain from ETFO Education Workers on June 13, 2022. On September 8, ETFO-EW, the Council of Trustees’ Associations (CTA) and the Crown reached an agreement on matters to be bargained centrally for ETFO Education Workers.
On September 22, OPSBA was pleased to announce that the Council of Trustees’ Associations/School Board Associations (CTA) and the provincial government had successfully negotiated a tentative settlement on central terms of a collective agreement with the ETFO Education Workers.
On October 23, OPSBA announced that it had ratified the agreement with ETFO Education Workers. The ratification process is now complete.
News Release: OPSBA ratifies agreement reached with ETFO Education Workers
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
The CTA received Notice to Bargain from CUPE on June 3, 2022.
On October 3, CUPE announced the results of its member strike vote, with 96.5% of its 45,433 members voting yes. On October 7, CUPE asked the conciliation officer assisting the parties for a “no-board” report.
On October 14, The Council of Trustees’ Associations, The Crown, and CUPE agreed to enter into private mediation in an effort to reach a collective agreement.
On October 30, CUPE served notice that it planned to commence a strike involving a full withdrawal of services on Friday, November 4, 2022, if no agreement was reached before then. The Crown, through Minister of Education Stephen Lecce, indicated later that day that the government would introduce legislation on October 31, which, if no other agreement was reached, would seek to prevent a CUPE strike from occurring and impose the offer presented on October 30. Later on October 31, CUPE announced it intended to strike on November 4 regardless of the legislation.
On November 3, mediation with the the Council of Trustees’ Association, the Crown and CUPE ended with no agreement having been reached. The Government’s Bill 28, Keeping Students in Class Act, 2022, was passed and signed into law on November 3. This legislation imposed central terms and rolls over the local terms of all CUPE collective agreements in the education sector. CUPE’s 55,000 education worker members participated in a strike on November 4 and 7. However, on November 7, Premier Ford announced that the government would rescind the Keeping Students in Class Act, which occurred on November 14. As a result, CUPE advised their members they should return to work on November 8. The imposed central terms and rolled over local terms of all CUPE collective agreements will no longer be in effect.
On November 16, CUPE once again served notice that it planned to commence a strike involving a full withdrawal of services on November 21. Bargaining continued until November 20, when a tentative agreement was announced by all parties.
CUPE announced on December 5, 2022, that its membership voted to accept the tentative agreement. Members of the Council of Trustees’ Associations (OPSBA, the Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l’Ontario [ACÉPO], Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques [AFOCSC] and Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association [OCSTA]) announced that they had ratified the tentative agreement on December 23.
News Release: OPSBA ratifies agreement reached with CUPE
Ontario Council of Education Workers (OCEW)
The CTA received Notice to Bargain from OCEW on July 19, 2022.
On December 11, it was announced that the Council of Trustees’ Associations/School Board Associations (CTA) and the provincial government had successfully negotiated a tentative settlement on central terms of a collective agreement with OCEW. Twelve OPSBA boards have membership in OCEW. OPSBA, in conjunction with the Council of Trustees‘ Associations, and with approval from the Crown, announced on January 26 that it had ratified the tentative agreement that was reached with OCEW on December 10, 2022.
News Release: OPSBA ratifies agreement reached with OCEW
Education Workers’ Alliance of Ontario (EWAO)
On May 2, it was announced that the Council of Trustees’ Associations/School Board Associations (CTA) and the provincial government had successfully negotiated a tentative settlement on central terms of a collective agreement with EWAO. Five OPSBA boards have membership in EWAO. OPSBA, in conjunction with the Council of Trustees‘ Associations, and with approval from the Crown, announced on June 10 that it had ratified the tentative agreement that was reached with EWAO on May 2.
News Release: OPSBA ratifies agreement reached with EWAO
School Boards Collective Bargaining Act (SBCBA) Review
OPSBA, along with the three other school board/trustee associations, gave a joint submission to the Standing Committee on General Government regarding Bill 92, School Boards Collective Bargaining Amendment Act, 2017, on March 8, 2017. This followed a letter to Minister Mitzie Hunter on Feb. 10, 2017, outlining school board concerns with respect to a number of issues related to the SBCBA.
Stakeholder Consultation Summary
Following the conclusion of the first round of bargaining under the SBCBA, the government consulted with its partners in order to review the Act to see if there were improvements that could be made to the process. On July 4, 2016, the Minister of Education publicly released the summary of those consultations.