Events and Publications


OPSBA conferences and seminars offer trustees and school board staff a dynamic opportunity for professional learning that is uniquely tailored to the needs of Ontario`s education leaders.  These events include:

OPSBA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Program

At OPSBA’s AGM, OPSBA members determine priorities and directions for the coming year, elect officers and plan for the future. The event also offers a comprehensive professional development program for trustees.

Public Education Symposium (PES)

Hundreds of trustees, student trustees and school board administrators participate in OPSBA’s PES each January. This premier professional development symposium, specifically designed for school boards, offers dynamic sessions on topics directly affecting the role of trustee and the broader environment within which school boards operate.

Education Labour Relations & Human Resources Symposium

OPSBA’s annual Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium is held annually in the spring and is designed to provide professional development in the areas of labour relations and human resources to trustees, directors of education, senior human resources officials and labour relations staff.

Regional Meetings

OPSBA’s five regional councils – North, West, East, Central East, and Central West – advise the Executive Council and Board of Directors of issues and matters affecting their school boards. The Member Boards of each region hold no fewer than two meetings each year, usually in the fall and spring, in addition to the regional meetings held at OPSBA’s Public Education Symposium and the Annual General Meeting.

Summit on Children and Youth Mental Health

OPSBA has continued to be a leader in the Coalition for Children and Youth Mental Health, which held its fourth Summit in Toronto in April 2016.


Our suite of print and online publications provide the resources our member trustees need to fulfill their mandates as the only democratically elected representatives responsible for public education in Ontario. They include: