School Board Governance

Governance provides a framework and a process for the allocation of decision-making powers. Good governance is the exercise of these powers through ethical leadership. School boards are the embodiment of local governance in action. Through their decisions and policies they demonstrate to their communities effective stewardship of the board’s resources in the interests of students and the community as a whole.

NEW! Local Government Week 2023, October 16 to 20 – #LocalGovWeek

Local Government Week (LGW) aims to increase youth and public awareness about the important role local government plays in our communities. Please join OPSBA, our member trustees and our education partners in raising civic awareness and promoting the role of trustees among Ontario students.

OPSBA has created resources to facilitate in-person and virtual sessions with students in Grade 5 or 10 classrooms, including a short PowerPoint presentation and video. The slide deck allows trustees to modify them to add local board information. We encourage you to be inspired about what you do locally and how it impacts your students and community. Please see the resources below:

OPSBA will be promoting LGW centrally using the social media hashtag #LocalGovWeek and asking stakeholders and education partners to use this as well.

Read a reflection from OPSBA President Cathy Abraham

Other useful resources include:

Please also visit the web pages of other stakeholder and partners for municipal elections and LGW information:

2022-26 Good Governance Guide

The 2022-26 Good Governance Guide is now available! This comprehensive guide, developed by the Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) in partnership with OPSBA, has been expertly crafted to provide school trustees with the knowledge they need to effectively govern and lead their school boards.

In this guide, you’ll find valuable information on topics such as trustee roles and responsibilities, how to craft effective communication strategies, and best practices for working with school staff and community members. The revised guide contains legislative, policy and funding changes that have occurred over the past four years, with specific relevance for Ontario’s public education systems. Whether you’re a new trustee or an experienced one looking to brush up on your knowledge, this guide is designed to help you make the most of your time in office.

In addition to the Guide, OPSBA and OESC also provide support for our trustees through the Trustee Professional Development Program, which provides additional information and guidance on a wide variety of governance-related topics.

Download the full Guide

Latest Updates

September 29, 2022 – Letter to Minister Lecce regarding electronic meetings of school boards

October 28, 2021 – Letter to Minister Lecce regarding School Board Trustee Codes of Conduct

September 3, 2019 – Canadian School Boards Association Literature review on the linkages between high-quality public education and governing school board

    A montage of photos of trustees.