Media and Resources

OPSBA plays a key role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy development on education issues through the print and broadcast media.

Through proactive work in this area, OPSBA stands out as a primary and credible voice whether we are providing information to an editorial board on inequities in funding formulae, responding to media questions on current issues, or initiating stories in the media that highlight student achievement, learning and leadership across the provinces.

Our appearances in news media can be found at our OPSBA in the Media page.

In addition to our work with the media, we also communicate through our website and social media:

OPSBA Connects – our frequently updated education news blog
Social Media – Twitter, YouTube and Flickr


OPSBA’s recent media releases and public statements:

Laurie French Acclaimed as President of OPSBA

TORONTO, June 13, 2016 - The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) is pleased to announce that Laurie French was acclaimed as President of OPSBA for the 2016-17 school year at its Annual General Meeting held on June 11, 2016. As OPSBA's new President,...

Private School Tax Credit Threatens Public Education

 Toronto, February 21, 2006- Recent world events demonstrate the tragic results when society is fractured along religious and cultural lines. Now, more than any other time in our history, it is crucial that children be educated in a multi-cultural, multi-racial, and...

Provincial Budget is Good for Public Education

​ Toronto, March 23, 2006- Funding a strong public education system is the most important investment we can make as a society. OPSBA is encouraged that the Provincial Government has made education one of the top priorities in its 2006 Ontario budget."OPSBA welcomes an...

Federal Budget Short-changes Canadian Children

​Toronto, May 2, 2006- Educators, parents, and school trustees are disheartened to learn that the Federal Budget has scrapped the previous child care agreements made with provincial governments.Failing to uphold the federal-provincial child care agreements, the Prime...

2006 OPSBA Awards Recipients

​ Toronto, June 13, 2006- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) Awards Program recognizes outstanding contributions to public education made by individuals from across Ontario. While it is impossible to honour all those dedicated people who make a...

Grace Fox Elected First Nations Director to OPSBA

​ Toronto, August 25, 2006- At the 2006 Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, the members of the Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) unanimously approved the inclusion of the position of First Nations Director on the OPSBA Board of Directors.OPSBA is pleased...

OPSBA Applauds Student Improvement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics

​Toronto,September 13, 2006- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) is encouraged by the significant improvement in the province-wide reading, writing and mathematics test results for Grades 3 and 6 students."We congratulate our students, parents and...

OPSBA Applauds Appointment of Kathleen Wynne as Minister of Education

​ Toronto, September 18, 2006- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) congratulates Kathleen Wynne on her appointment as Minister of Education and is ready to work with her on further developing the many positive education initiatives undertaken by the...

Cain-Green Report Insightful on School Funding Issues

​ Toronto, October 17, 2006- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association commends the Cain-Green report for its transparent deconstruction of the financial environment within which school boards work and for its respectful analysis of the specific challenges within...