Media and Resources

OPSBA plays a key role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy development on education issues through the print and broadcast media.

Through proactive work in this area, OPSBA stands out as a primary and credible voice whether we are providing information to an editorial board on inequities in funding formulae, responding to media questions on current issues, or initiating stories in the media that highlight student achievement, learning and leadership across the provinces.

Our appearances in news media can be found at our OPSBA in the Media page.

In addition to our work with the media, we also communicate through our website and social media:

OPSBA Connects – our frequently updated education news blog
Social Media – Twitter, YouTube and Flickr


OPSBA’s recent media releases and public statements:

OPSBA Concerned About Abrupt Closure on Bill 107

​ Toronto, November 30, 2006- Bill 107 proposes significant changes to Ontario?s Human Rights system and, in particular, reshapes the ways in which human rights complaints are handled. The Ontario Public School Boards' Association has written this week to...

Media Violence: Not a Pretty Picture – Putting Children in Harm?s Way

​Toronto, January 17, 2007- Violence in the media is pervasive. The destructive influence of violent music videos, video games, music lyrics, the Internet, and television programs is absorbed daily by our children and youth and is directly linked to safety in schools...

Fraser Institute’s School Rankings Rejected

Toronto, February 13, 2007- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) is deeply concerned about the Fraser Institute's publication that ranks elementary schools. Of particular concern is how the report misuses the province's EQAO results.EQAO test results...

OPSBA Welcomes Flexibility on Primary Class Size Initiative

​ Toronto, March 17, 2007- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) commends Education Minister Wynne and the provincial government for heeding the advice of member boards and allowing increased flexibility around the primary class size initiative."OPSBA...

OPSBA Welcomes Increased Funding for Ontario Students

Toronto, March 19, 2007- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) commends Education Minister Wynne and the provincial government for heeding the advice of member boards and allowing increased flexibility around the primary class size initiative."OPSBA...

New Safe Schools Act – A Step in the Right Direction

Toronto, April 17, 2007- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) is a strong advocate for schools that are safe places for our students to learn and for our staff to work in. We believe that the solutions to keeping schools free of violence and to...

OPSBA Welcomes Increased Funding for Public Education

Toronto, August 14, 2007- The Ontario Public School Boards' Association welcomes the provincial government's announcement of increased funding for public education. This further investment of $182 million in Ontario's education system in the upcoming year with an...

Ontario’s Students World-Class in Science, Mathematics and Reading

​ Toronto, December 20, 2007- Ontario's students have a lot to be proud of. They are showing themselves to be world-class when it comes to international comparisons in student achievement. Grade 10 students are in the top five countries in the world in Science,...