Media and Resources

OPSBA plays a key role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy development on education issues through the print and broadcast media.

Through proactive work in this area, OPSBA stands out as a primary and credible voice whether we are providing information to an editorial board on inequities in funding formulae, responding to media questions on current issues, or initiating stories in the media that highlight student achievement, learning and leadership across the provinces.

Our appearances in news media can be found at our OPSBA in the Media page.

In addition to our work with the media, we also communicate through our website and social media:

OPSBA Connects – our frequently updated education news blog
Social Media – Twitter, YouTube and Flickr


OPSBA’s recent media releases and public statements:

OPSBA statement regarding secondary class sizes

​ "Following today's announcement regarding enhanced support for children with autism, we look forward to the government taking a similar second look at proposed secondary class size changes during the consultation process that has been established. Raising class size...

OPSBA welcomes continued engagement but has class size concerns

Toronto, ON, March 15, 2019 - All students in Ontario deserve a strong publicly funded education system and school boards have a legislative responsibility for student achievement and well-being. Today’s announcements covered a number of areas, the most concerning of...

OPSBA statement regarding support for students with ASD

"Today's announcement is a step in the right direction for school boards across the province. The government listened to the input from parents, school boards and other education partners and was responsive to the needs expressed. We're pleased that additional funding...

OPSBA statement regarding possible school board amalgamations

"As the government continues its focus on fiscal restraint, there have been a number of rumours about options being considered to achieve their budget objectives. To date, we have not received confirmation the government is pursuing regional amalgamations of school...

OPSBA statement regarding government education funding announcements

"We recognize the government's commitment to finding efficiencies across all sectors, including education, and although anticipated, the decrease, or in some cases the elimination of program funding is disappointing. These various programs had a positive impact for...

OPSBA statement regarding seat belts on school buses

​"Student safety is a priority for all our school boards and the issue of school bus safety and the use of seat belts on school buses is an important one.   School boards trust their school transportation operators put the safety of students first and that they adhere...

Before you vote – get to know your local trustee candidates

Toronto, ON, September 26, 2018 - Schools are more than simple bricks and mortar. They are the foundation and heart of their communities. Schools connect students, parents, teachers, school staff, citizens and locally elected school board trustees together in support...

OPSBA extends congratulations to new provincial government

​Fully funded public education must remain a government priority The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) looks forward to working with the newly elected government and premier-designate Doug Ford to ensure a strong, high-quality, publicly funded...

Cathy Abraham elected President of OPSBA

Toronto, June 4, 2018 - The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) is pleased to announce that Cathy Abraham has been elected President for the 2018-19 school year at its Annual General Meeting held on June 1, 2018, in Niagara Falls. A four-term...

New Report Identifies Key Factors in FSL Teacher Shortages

TORONTO, May 29, 2018 – The FSL-Labour Market Partnership Committee has officially released its report entitled, Understanding Perspectives Regarding the French as a Second Language Teacher Labour Market Issue. The report identifies the challenges in hiring,...