OPSBA approves Provincial Terms and Conditions for Principals and Vice-Principals


February 2, 2022, Toronto – The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) is pleased to announce that it has approved the Provincial Terms and Conditions for Principals and Vice-Principals.

“We’re pleased that we have reached an approved agreement with our Principals and Vice-Principals. Throughout this process our goal has been to negotiate Terms and Conditions that recognize the unique and vital role our Principals and Vice-Principals play in our schools. These Terms and Conditions will help ensure a stable and productive learning environment for our students,” said OPSBA President Cathy Abraham. “Despite the many challenges caused by the ongoing pandemic, all parties continued to work diligently towards reaching an agreement on Terms and Conditions. I want to personally thank the OPSBA negotiating team, which consisted of both OPSBA staff and senior school board staff, for their commitment to this process.”

In addition to OPSBA, the Provincial Terms and Conditions include three other Trustee Associations (the Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l’Ontario, the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association, and the Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques), the Crown, and the Principal and Vice-Principal Associations (the Ontario Principals’ Council, the Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario, and the Association des directions et directions adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes). All parties have now approved the agreement.

For more information, please contact:

T.J. Goertz
Senior Communications and Policy Officer
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association