OHRC launches videos on its new accessible education policy

2019 3/29 | Accessibility, Connects Page, Education Partner News, Education Policy, Education Program and Policy, Trustee PD


The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has released video of a training session on its new Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities. Some of the key elements of the policy include:

  • The vital importance of education to a person’s social, academic and economic development – and the need for accessibility and accommodation in the process
  • A broad definition of disability
  • Up-to-date information about human rights and responsibilities for students, parents and educators
  • Practical guidance to education providers to meet their legal duty to accommodate

The videos are available in English, with both English and French captioning options and each video features ASL translation.

View the videos on YouTube now at http://bit.ly/2FAueV0.