Media and Resources

OPSBA plays a key role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy development on education issues through the print and broadcast media.

Through proactive work in this area, OPSBA stands out as a primary and credible voice whether we are providing information to an editorial board on inequities in funding formulae, responding to media questions on current issues, or initiating stories in the media that highlight student achievement, learning and leadership across the provinces.

Our appearances in news media can be found at our OPSBA in the Media page.

In addition to our work with the media, we also communicate through our website and social media:

OPSBA Connects – our frequently updated education news blog
Social Media – Twitter, YouTube and Flickr


OPSBA’s recent media releases and public statements:

Cathy Abraham Re-elected President of OPSBA

Toronto, September 28, 2020 - The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) is pleased to announce that Cathy Abraham has been re-elected President for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years in its first ever virtual Annual General Meeting held on September 26,...

OPSBA statement regarding the use of reserve funds

“OPSBA and school boards across the province are frustrated and concerned by the government’s announcement yesterday regarding the use of school boards’ reserve funds to address the increased costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.   The $50 million allocated to...

OPSBA Statement Regarding the Return-to-School Plan

“The safety of our students, staff, and school communities is, and has always been, our top priority. We know the pandemic has had an impact on the mental health and the lives of our children, and as medical experts have said, it is important to get kids back into...

OPSBA statement regarding the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act

“We will be examining the details of today’s omnibus COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, and discussing the proposed changes to the Education Act and its associated regulations, including Director of Education qualifications and Kindergarten to Grade 3 suspensions,...

OPSBA statement regarding new technology and mental health funding

“Throughout the pandemic, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) has emphasized the need for increased investments in both technology and mental health supports. We were pleased to see the additional investments announced earlier today of $15 million in...

OPSBA statement: Public school facilities closed to the end of June

“Earlier this afternoon, Premier Doug Ford and Minister Stephen Lecce announced that schools across Ontario would remain closed for the rest of this school year. Student, staff, and school community safety continues to be the top priority for all those involved in...