Legislative Update – October 9, 2018

2018 10/9 | Connects Page, Education Policy, Provincial Updates

MPPs have a constituency week following Thanksgiving and will return to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario on October 15, 2018.

Provincial Education Reform Consultation

On September 28, the Ministry of Education released its Consultation: Education in Ontario. This online submission form was the first piece of this consultation with a separate online survey and telephone town halls to be scheduled later.

OPSBA’s Policy Development and Education Program Work Teams are taking the lead on the Association’s response. The work teams are meeting this month to review evidence-based information and past position statements regarding each question. OPSBA will prepare a resource for all member boards and trustees to consider when responding to the consultation, well in advance of the December 15 deadline.

Memo from Deputy Minister Nancy Naylor

Trustee Honorarium – Tax Exemption for Non-accountable Expense Allowances

On October 1, the Canada Revenue agency sent a Q&A memo, What you need to know: Changes to the Non-accountable allowances,” to stakeholders.

Bill 36, Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018

On October 4, this bill was referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy. Public hearings will occur on October 11 and October 12 with written submissions due on October 12. OPSBA will be sending a submission for this new bill and its proposed amendments. Both work teams will be reviewing key points for our submission. Key issues include the development of a regulation for distances between schools and retail sites; the need for local decision making with municipal partners and key community stakeholders, public consumption; a call for a public awareness campaign that includes youth prevention; and additional educational supports and resources. The bill will report back to the House on October 16, 2018 – the day before the federal legalization date. This bill was introduced by Attorney General Caroline Mulroney on September 27, 2018.

OPSBA’s previous submission on Bill 174, Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario and Road Safety Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017

Those wishing to be considered by the Committee to make an oral presentation should provide their contact name, mailing address, phone number, and email address to the Clerk of the Committee by 5 p.m. on October 5, 2018. Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but wish to comment on the Bill may send a written submission to the Clerk of the Committee by 12 p.m. on October 12, 2018. The clerk, Eric Rennie, can be reached at: comm-socialpolicy@ola.org.