Canadian School Boards Association Names New Executive Director

2018 11/8 | Connects Page, Education Partner News

NancyPynchWorthylakeCSBAexecDir.JPGThe Canadian School Boards Association announced this week, after a national search, that Nancy Pynch-Worthylake will serve as the new Executive Director of the Association, effective immediately.

“The CSBA is very pleased to welcome Nancy to the team. Her extensive experience in all facets of public education, along with her energy and passion for democratic leadership at the local level, are assets that will serve the national organization very well,” said CSBA President Laurie French, who chaired the National Search Committee.

Nancy has served as School Board Association Executive Director at the provincial level, and as provincial government Senior Executive Director and as Superintendent of Schools (CEO). She is fluent in French and English and holds degrees at the Bachelor and Masters levels, as well as certification in governance and graduate level education in leadership and administration.

She can be reached at executivedirector@cdnsba.org or at (902) 456-5574.​