Call for Nominations for OPSBA Elected Positions

2017 3/24 | Connects Page, OPSBA Events, Trustee PD

The OPSBA 2017 elections will be held as part of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place from June
8 – 11, 2017 in Collingwood. The Northern Region is hosting the event and is looking forward to welcoming you to OPSBA’s 29th Annual General Meeting and Program.

All nominations received by the nomination deadline of 5 p.m. on May 11, 2017 will be published in the OPSBA Election Handbook.

Executive Positions

Positions to be decided through the election process at the Annual General Meeting and at the accompanying regional meetings are as follows:

  • President;
  • First Vice-President;
  • Second Vice-President;
  • Vice-President/Chair and Vice-Chair of each of the five OPSBA regions: Central East, Central West, Eastern, Northern, and Western.

Please note the following important guidelines if you are considering running for President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President or Regional Vice-President

  • The deadline for nominations for these Executive Council positions is 30 days prior to the AGM where the elections will be held. This means that nominations for President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and the Regional Vice-Presidents must be received at the OPSBA office by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2017 – the nomination deadline.
  • If a candidate is interested in standing for more than one of the above-noted positions, the candidate must declare his or her interest in each respective position by the nomination deadline. This is very important, as there is no opportunity for “dropping down” on the day that elections are held at the AGM (i.e., being considered for another of these positions if a candidate is unsuccessful for the first). Nominations are only accepted from the floor of the AGM if NO advance nomination has been received for the position of President, First Vice-President and Second Vice-President.
  • As well, nominations for Regional Vice-President for each of the five regions must be submitted by the same deadline – May 11. Nominations will ONLY be accepted from the floor of each Regional Council election meeting if no nomination for that Region’s Vice-President position has been received in advance.

Nominations for Regional Vice-Chairs and Members of Core Issue Work Groups

  • The nomination and election process for the position of Regional Vice-Chair (alternate to the Regional Vice-President) or representatives on the Work Teams (Education Program and Policy Development) permits nominations to be taken from the floor of the Regional meeting. However, advance nominations and bios for these positions are encouraged as those provided by May 11, 2017 will be included in the AGM Election Handbook which is distributed to boards and voting delegates prior to the election. The nominee information will also be posted on the OPSBA website.
  • There is a requirement that candidates for the position of Regional Vice-Chair must be a confirmed member of the incoming Board of Directors. Prior to holding the election of the Regional Vice-Chair, each Board’s Voting Delegate will be asked to confirm their board’s appointment(s) to Board of Directors to ensure candidates qualify to stand for election.

Nominations, Nomination Forms and Biographies

  • The 2017 Election Nomination Form, as well as the OPSBA Roles and Responsibilities Guide are available online.
  • Nominations can be made by any trustee from a member board in good standing once they have confirmed the nominee is willing to stand for the elected position.
  • Trustees running for election are asked to ensure that their nomination form and a brief biography in an electronic format are submitted to the OPSBA office no later than end of day May 11, 2017. A biography should be up to one page in length (for consistent formatting) and include the candidate’s photograph. This information will be printed in the AGM Election Guide, which is distributed to member boards so they can review the slate of candidates running for various positions and provide guidance to their voting delegates.
  • Information on the candidates running for the various positions will also be posted on the OPSBA website after the nomination deadline.

Confirmation of Board of Directors Members and Elections to Core Issue Work Groups

  • At the Regional meetings held during the Annual General Meeting and Conference, member boards confirm their Board’s member (and alternate) to OPSBA’s Board of Directors for the 2017-2018 term.
  • School authorities have an opportunity to elect one representative to the Board of Directors at a specially convened meeting of district school area boards at the AGM.
  • The Indigenous Trustees’ Council members meet at the AGM prior to the regional meetings in order to elect their representative on the Board of Directors.
  • Confirmation is received in writing prior to the AGM from the group of treatment centre school authorities naming their representative and alternate on the Board of Directors for the upcoming year.
  • During the Regional Meetings, each region holds elections to choose their members and alternate members to the Education Program and Policy Development Core Issues Work Groups for 2017-2018. Northern Sub-Region East and Northern Sub-Region West each elect one representative and one alternate to the two work teams.

For more information, contact Jane Hayes, Executive Coordinator, ext.108; or email the OPSBA webmaster