OPSBA recognizes outstanding contributions to public education


Former HWDSB Trustee Judith Bishop.jpg

June 10, 2015 – The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) Awards Program recognizes outstanding contributions to public education made by individuals from across Ontario. There are so many dedicated people who make a difference for students every day and the recipients of these awards represent all those who work tirelessly and unselfishly to make our schools and education system world-class.

The Dr. Harry Paikin Award of Merit for outstanding service as public school trustee was awarded toHoward Goodman, former trustee with the Toronto District School Board. Howard Goodman has made significant contributions to public policy and has been an unwavering champion of children and youth. As one nominator put it: “Howard embodied the public school trustee through his passion and belief in students’ success and the role of school boards in supporting students not only in their academics, but also in their health and wellness.”

The OPSBA President’s Award is presented in recognition of 25 years of service in public education and this year’s recipient was Judith Bishop, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB. Judith continues to be a passionate advocate for equity of opportunity for every child.

Secondary school students Charmaine Holland, Fort Erie Secondary School, DSB of Niagara andTristen Stinkowji, Englehart High School, DSB Ontario North East were co-recipients of the Jack A. MacDonald Award of Merit. Charmaine and Tristen have been recognized for their top-ranking academic achievements, leadership, and inspiring school and community service.

The OPSBA Award of Excellence and the Achievement Award recognizes volunteers for their outstanding, exemplary and unique contributions to the overall well-being of the school or community through in-school, board-wide, or extra-curricular activity. This year’s Award of Excellence was presented to Paul Amano, a volunteer with Lakehead DSB. The Achievement Award was presented to both Elizabeth Andros and Paul Amano, Lakehead DSB.

The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association represents 1.2 million students who attend public schools across the province. The Association believes that the role of public education is to provide universally accessible education opportunities for all students regardless of their ethnic, racial or cultural backgrounds, social or economic status, individual exceptionality, or religious preference.

For further information:
Jeff Sprang, OPSBA Communications, 416-340-2540