Enhancing Public Education Since 1988
The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) was founded in 1988 when three school board associations (Ontario Public School Trustees’ Association, the Association of Large School Boards, and the Northern Ontario School Trustees’ Association) amalgamated.
Since then, OPSBA has grown into its role as Ontario’s expert voice on English public education, as well as a leading advocate of the public education system.
Today, OPSBA represents English public district school boards and public school authorities across Ontario, which together serve nearly 1.4 million public elementary and secondary students.
The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) advocates for public education in Ontario.
OPSBA will be public education’s expert voice, promoting a high-quality system, focused on improving every student’s success and well-being.
OPSBA operates by the following guiding principles:
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Truth and Reconciliation
Student Voice
Quality and Innovation
Positive Labour Relations
Environmental Stewardship, Good Governance, Accountability, Collaboration, and Integrity
OPSBA members represent public school boards of all sizes and from all regions of the province of Ontario. We provide advocacy and convey the concerns, views, and recommendations of public school boards and their students and communities.