Online Trustee Professional Development Program Re-Launched


The Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) offers an online https://modules.ontarioschooltrustees.org/ designed to support trustees in their governance role. As we transition into the summer months and boards continue to manage unprecedented challenges, we invite you to complete the program.

The https://modules.ontarioschooltrustees.org/ will allow you to track your progress through the modules – each one has been recently updated with the latest legislation, education policy and research. When you’ve completed the program, you may apply for a Certificate of Completion. OESC will certify eligible trustees in recognition of their commitment to leadership and the good governance of Ontario’s education system. 

The program focuses on topics ranging from Governance to Community Engagement to Finance, to Labour Relations, Social Media and Internal Audits. The information has been updated for the 2019-2020 school year and is presented in easy-to-use learning modules and videos. The modules condense challenging information and present topics in engaging ways intended to build knowledge and skills and support trustees in their diverse roles. 

OPSBA’s goal is to offer relevant professional development that equips trustees with practical knowledge to more effectively and confidently govern school boards. The 21 professional development modules were recently updated in partnership with the other three trustee/school board associations, and are part of our ongoing priority to build leadership capacity among trustees. The initiative was supported by the Ministry of Education.

We invite you to visit http://modules.ontarioschooltrustees.org today to browse the selection of professional development modules.