The York Region DSB’s Quest 2019, The Quest: Indigenous Education and Equity is taking place on November 20-22, 2019 at the Sheraton Parkway North Hotel.
At Quest 2019, participants will develop a deeper understanding of indigenous education and equity, and share their inquiries and knowledge through active participation.
The program will showcase learning in a traditional workshop format, as well as teaching in a traditional indigenous education setting. Some of this year’s speakers include Jesse Wente, Dr. Niigaan Sinclair, Kike Ojo-Thompson, Dr. Debbie Donsky and Gabrielle Scrimshaw. Conference co-hosts are Dr. Avis Glaze and Pamala Agawa.
The key strategy components that are the basis for keynote addresses and workshop presentations include: Building Knowledge and Capacity, Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Disrupting Oppression, and Engaging Families, Guardians and Communities.
Each year, Quest brings together 1000+ members of the education community from around the world. Participants explore current issues in education and learn together to improve student achievement and well-being.
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Please visit for more information about speakers, program, pricing and registration.
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