The Legislative Assembly of Ontario remains on summer recess and resumes on October 28, 2019.
Revised Elementary Health and Physical Education Curriculum
Last week, OPSBA shared information about the revised curriculum, including the exemption policy that was outlined in Policy/Program Memorandum 162. This will be an agenda item at the upcoming September meeting of OPSBA’s Education Program and Policy Development Work Teams. OPSBA will work with staff among our member boards regarding wording and a template outline for a board policy that is to be in place by November 30, 2019.
PPM 162: Exemption from Instruction related to the Human Development and Sexual Health Expectations in The Ontario Curriculum: Health and Physical Education, Grades 1–8, 2019.
OPSBA statement
Mathematics Proficiency Test
On August 21, Deputy Minister Nancy Naylor sent a memo with information about regulations filed on August 20, 2019, concerning the requirement of teachers to complete a math proficiency test. New applicants to the Ontario College of Teachers will be required to successfully pass a mathematics proficiency test if their application for registration is completed on or after March 31, 2020. This was part of Bill 48, Safe and Supporting Classrooms Act that passed last spring and comes into force September 1, 2019. OPSBA did comment on this requirement as part of our submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.
Ontario Regulation 271/19, Proficiency in Mathematics (Ontario College of Teachers Act)
Ontario Regulation 272/19, Objects of the Office (Education Quality and Accountability Office Act)
Proposed Regulations: Education Development Charges and Notice by School Boards Prior to Acquiring Land
On August 23, the government posted information regarding these proposed regulations on the Ontario’s Regulatory Registry website. The proposed changes include amending, “Ontario Regulation 20/98 (Education Development Charges – General) made under the Education Act relating to the calculation of education development charges (EDCs), as well as matters relating to “Alternative Projects.” In addition, “a new regulation is also being proposed to be made under the Education Act to specify the time period in which school boards would be required to provide notice to the Minister of Education regarding any proposed acquisition or expropriation of land.”
The deadline for commentary is October 7, 2019. OPSBA will be reviewing the proposed changes and coordinating our work with the Ontario Association of School Business Officials (OASBO). We will continue our advocacy for an increase in the charges to cover board costs and flexibility in the regulation to support our member boards with areas of growth. We last commented on this in our submission for Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019.
Ontario’s Regulatory Registry website
Other information
- August 29, 2019 News Release: Ontario Takes Action to Focus on Learning
- August 28, 2019 News Release: First Year Investment of Ontario’s Four-Year Math Strategy Announced
Note: OPSBA originally commented on these above issues in our submission to the government’s consultations last December.
- August 28, 2019 News Release: Ontario Helping Parents Save on the Costs of Summer Camp
- August 27, 2019 News Release: Ontario Government Approves New School for Whitby Students
- August 26, 2019 News Release: Ontario Supporting More Communities in their Fight Against Guns and Gangs
- August 22, 2019 News Release: Ontario Providing Stability for Students and Families (OPSBA statement regarding the class size announcement)
- August 22, 2019, Memo B19: 2019-20 Grant for Student Needs (GSN) and Related Regulations
- August 13, 2019 News Release: Supporting Quality Care for Ontarians with Autism