Members of Provincial Parliament returned to Queen’s Park on February 22, 2022 as the Legislative Assembly of Ontario resumed its spring session.

New Legislation

Bill 87, Black Mental Health Day Act, 2022

This proposed legislation was introduced on February 24 by NDP MPP Bhutila Karpoche and NDP MPP Faisal Hassan. If passed, the bill would proclaim the first Monday in March in each year as Black Mental Health Day.
Current Status: First Reading

Bill 86, Our London Family Act (Working Together to Combat Islamophobia and Hatred), 2022

This proposed legislation was introduced on February 23 by the four London NDP MPPs: Faisal Hassan, Teresa J. Armstrong, Terence Kernaghan, and Peggy Sattler. The proposed bill includes nine Schedules, including changes to the Education Act. The bill was drafted in collaboration with the National Council of Canadian Muslims, and the Liberals and Greens have already pledged to support it.
Current Status: First Reading

Bill 85, Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act (Vaping is not for Kids), 2022

This private member’s bill was introduced on February 23 by NDP MPP France Gélinas. The proposed bill would ban the promotion of vaping products, increase the legal age for such products to 21 and limit their sale to specialty stores.
Current Status: First Reading

Bill 84, Fewer Fees, Better Services Act, 2022

This proposed legislation was introduced on February 22 by Associate Small Business and Red Tape Reduction Minister Nina Tangri. It includes 11 Schedules or changes to various Acts, including Schedule 4, Fiscal Sustainability, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2019. The proposed change would allow the government to introduce this year’s spring budget as late as April 30, effectively overriding a provision legislated by the government in 2019 requiring the finance minister to table the budget by the end of March or face a fine equal to 10% of their salary (with the same consequence for the premier).
Current Status: Ordered for Third Reading

The government also issued a news release and backgrounder

COVID-19 Update

The Government of Ontario launched its school closures and absenteeism webpage in January. As of February 24, two schools across Ontario were closed, which is 0.04% of all schools. A summary of school-by-school student and staff absences is provided, but it is not broken down by the reason for absence. Data is current as of 2 p.m. the previous weekday.

Memos released this past week include:

OPSBA’s Initial Review –  2022-2023 Grant For Student Needs (GSN) and Priorities and Partnership Fund (PPF)

OPSBA has issued a summary of the recent GSN and PPF information as it related to the priorities identified in the Association’s submission. The technical paper will be released later in March and the provincial budget will now be released in April. OPSBA will continue to connect with member boards about the announcements and their impacts.

See the OPSBA summary.

Other News Releases and Information