​Toronto, June 15, 2009- The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) is pleased to announce that Colleen Schenk was re-elected as President of OPSBA at the Annual General Meeting held on June 13, 2009.

In her acceptance speech to the membership, Colleen Schenk described some of the remarkable achievements of the Association in difficult times. These include achieving negotiated settlements with teachers and support staff in the province, positively affecting legislative changes to school board governance, providing a strong contribution to the consultation and final report of the Declining Enrolment Working Group, raising the level of dialogue around the importance of inter-Ministry collaboration and board-community partnerships in support of the Whole Child and active involvement in the province’s Poverty Reduction Strategy.

Colleen, a trustee from the Avon Maitland District School Board, will continue to be supported in her position as President of OPSBA by Vice-President Catherine Fife from the Waterloo Region District School Board and Riley Brockington from Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. OPSBA’s President and two Vice-Presidents offer a combined expertise and determination that will serve OPSBA well in its work in the year ahead.

OPSBA wishes to acknowledge and thank past Vice-President Loralea Carruthers for her contribution to public education. Loralea was the spokesperson for the Association during elementary teacher negotiations, helped to spearhead the successful release of the OPSBA discussion paper What if? Technology in the 21st Century Classroom and will continue to make a contribution on the Education Program Work Team.

In addition to the President and Vice-Presidents, OPSBA’s Executive Council includes: Cathy Abraham, Vice-President, Central East Region, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board; Julia Burgess, Vice-President, Western Region, Greater Essex County District School Board; Lori Lukinuk, Vice-President, Northern Region, Lakehead District School Board; Bill Johnston, Vice-President, Central West Region, Grand Erie District School Board; David Moen, Vice-President, Eastern Region, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board; and Howard Goodman, Vice-President (Enrolment), Toronto District School Board.

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For more information, please contact:

Jeff Sprang
OPSBA Communications
(416) 340-2540