OPSBA Media Release, OPSBA appoints new Executive Director, Apr. 28, 2017

​OPSBA Media Release, Students Benefit from Stable Funding, Apr. 12, 2017

Trustees deserve support, not trashing
Re: School trustees have lost public trust — and outlived their role, Cohn, April 17
OPSBA President Laurie French, Readers’ Letters, The Star, Apr. 19, 2017
Once again, a giant and unjust leap of logic on the part of Martin Regg Cohn. His latest column, as have two previous ones, takes the reader from his fair criticism of the actions of some trustees in a school board to a universal call of “off with their heads!” for all 700 school trustees in Ontario.

Province boosts education funding to $24B for next school year
Andrea Gordon, The Star, Apr. 13, 2017
Ontario is increasing education spending by almost 4 per cent to $23.8 billion in the next school year, with a focus on providing more special education support and reducing class sizes, Education Minister Mitzie Hunter announced Wednesday.
