Between meetings of the Board of Directors, the business of the Association is supervised by OPSBA’s Executive Council, which reports to the Board of Directors at each meeting. The Executive Council is composed of the President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, Past President, five Regional Chairs, one from each of OPSBA’s regions, a Pupil Enrolment Representative from Toronto District School Board and Peel District School Board, and the Chairs of the Indigenous Trustees’ Council and Black Trustees’ Caucus. The five Regional Chairs are also Chairs of their regions and are elected by the region they represent.
The Executive Council ensures that the decisions of the Board of Directors are executed and also provides strategic advice to the Board of Directors on such matters as long range planning for the Association, government relations and Association personnel matters.
OPSBA’s Executive Council
Kathleen Woodcock
Waterloo Region DSB
Arlene Morell
Regional Chair, Western Region
Thames Valley District School Board
Kathryn Pierroz
First Vice-President
Rainy River DSB
Bill Steer
Regional Chair, Northern Region
Near North DSB
Michelle Aarts
Second Vice-President
Toronto DSB
Deborah Williams
Enrolment Representative
Toronto District School Board
Jaine Klassen Jeninga
Regional Chair, Central East Region
Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
Susan Humphries
Regional Chair, Eastern Region
Renfrew County District School Board
Donna Danielli
Regional Chair, Central West Region
Halton DSB
David Green
Enrolment Representative
Peel District School Board
Elaine Johnston
Chair, Indigenous Trustees’ Council
Algoma DSB
Kathy McDonald
Chair, Black Trustees’ Caucus
Peel DSB
Cathy Abraham
Past President
Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB