OPSBA conferences and seminars offer trustees and school board staff a dynamic opportunity for professional learning that is uniquely tailored to the needs of Ontario`s education leaders.  These events include:

2025 Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium (LRS)

May 1 and 2, 2025, at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto

Positive Workplaces: HR and Labour Relations Practices That Support Employee Wellness and Success

OPSBA’s annual Education Labour Relations and Human Resources Symposium is designed to provide professional development in the areas of labour relations and human resources to trustees, directors of education, senior human resources officials and labour relations staff.


Registration is now open. Please visit our event site to register for the symposium.

Group Rooms Block:

The hotel rooms booking link is now available, attendees can reserve their rooms using the dedicated group booking weblink, OPSBA Labour Symposium

Alternately you can call 1-888-627-7175 and ask for the OPSBA Labour Relations Symposium to secure the group rate.

Group Rate is $299++, valid until April 9, or while rooms inventory remains available.


Our complete program is now available, please visit our event site for details.

For more information, please contact the PD Events Team