Education Today Summer 2016 Highlights



​Book Review:

Generation Z Goes to College

Review by Suzanne Bowness

This 2016 book by Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace is about understanding Generation Z – the cohort born between 1995 and 2010. Using results of a demographic study conducted by the two authors in 2014, the book identifies key traits and characteristics of this generation and offers suggestions as to how education can best meet their needs.


Teaching Generation Z

By Stuart Foxman

As author Stuart Foxman states, “If the previous cohort embraced the digital world, Generation Z was born into it.” His article explores some thought-provoking questions about how this generation, and its fluid use of technology, might redefine the education system.

Listening and Being Heard

By Kim Arnott

Good communication is an essential skill for trustees. Three Ontario public school board trustees provide tips on communications strategies and share how they keep the connections between themselves, their colleagues and their constituents running smoothly.

Using Standardized Tests to Drive Success

​​By Sharon Aschaiek

EQAO data, the results of the standardized assessments delivered to students in grades 3, 6, 9 and 10, can help school boards track how well education programs are working. The data can also provide critical information about student engagement, as author Sharon Aschaiek reports.

Built for Learning

By Saul Chernos

From furniture to walls and windows, and even portables, all elements of classroom design are geared to enhance learning. Journalist Saul Chernos highlights a number of the Ontario schools where the classroom spaces work in tandem with the curriculum.​