About the Award

The Healthy Democracy Student Leadership Award, a partnership between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA), is being awarded in the amount of $1,000 to one graduating English public school student in each of OPSBA’s five regions. Scholarship recipients are students with leadership skills and potential, who care deeply about their communities and furthering their own learning. The application deadline for 2025 is June 6, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

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Terms of Award

Selection Criteria*

  • A demonstrated commitment to civic engagement and the importance of local governments in Ontario’s political system
  • Diversity of leadership and perspective
  • Community involvement such as volunteering, athletics, and extra-curricular activities, including within a First Nation, Métis or Inuit community
  • Social identity, socio-economic status or other factors unique to each student’s achievements and the opportunities available to the them

*The criteria between OPSBA regions may differ slightly, please connect with your region’s Regional Chair (listed below) to confirm application process. School boards have been sent information sheets.

Central East – Information Sheet; Jaine Klassen-Jeninga, jaine_klassenjeninga@kprdsb.ca

Central West – Information Sheet; Donna Danielli, daniellid@hdsb.ca

Eastern – Information Sheet; Susan Humphries, humphriess@rcdsb.on.ca

Northern – Information Sheet; Bill Steer, bill.steer@nearnorthschools.ca

Western – Information Sheet; Arlene Morell, a.morell@tvdsb.ca

Nomination Information Checklist

Eligible Students

  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • In good standing with the secondary school
  • Entering a post-secondary program (e.g., university, college, apprenticeship, etc.) within Ontario in 2025
  • Graduating from a secondary school within one of the eligible school boards or school authority within OPSBA membership.


    • Central East: Aidan Fitzmaurice, Trillium Lakelands DSB
    • Central West: Julia Elmslie, Upper Grand DSB
    • Northern: Caylee Gaunther-Schwantz, Superior-Greenstone DSB
    • Western: Abbey Taylor, Avon Maitland DSB