OPSBA is pleased to share the OPSBA Black Trustees’ Caucus submission to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Consultation on Anti-Black Racism in Education.

This submission outlines OPSBA’s Black Trustees’ Caucus vision for Black student success. While the work to ensure Black students are properly supported and prepared for a bright future has only just begun, local school boards are already leading the way and making positive impacts across Ontario.

Ontario has an opportunity to stand out among its peers as a centre of excellence for Black student achievement. Much transformation, change and strong focus has already taken place, but it is not enough. Support for Black students and communities must be invested in and expanded through government and partner initiatives.

There are so many promising practices already in place in OPSBA’s member boards that can be easily replicated. We see countless examples of Black student joy, success, excellence, and achievement within Ontario schools, but unfortunately, we also see instances where Black students are not supported in achieving their full potential and are being harmed. By employing specialized approaches for students who are Black and Black-identifying, we will see universal positive outcomes for all students.

As part of this advocacy, we call on the provincial government to join in and co-lead this important work to expand it to all areas of the province for all Black and Black identifying students and their communities.

Read the submission