
OPSBA Annual Report 2023-24 Cover - features two elementary aged students raising hands in class.
Jul 05, 2024

OPSBA’s 2023-24 Annual Report is now available!

OPSBA's 2023-24 Annual Report is now available! As outgoing OPSBA President Cathy Abraham writes, "This past year has been our busiest yet – a testament to the tireless dedication of each and every trustee across our member boards. From bustling Toronto to Moose Factory, Morrisburg, Windsor, and Atikokan, it is the commitment of our trustees that has propelled us forward. Your hard work, passion, and unwavering belief in the power of public education have been the driving force behind every milestone we’ve achieved." In a season of change, our association has remained steadfast in our...

Advocacy and Action

Our latest advocacy and submissions to the Government of Ontario.

Good Governance for School Boards: PD for Trustees

Guides for Trustees, School Boards, Directors of Education and Communities.

The Key Work of OPSBA - Learn More About Our Priorities!

OPSBA is an issue-driven organization and exists to provide for the service needs of its members whose role is to advocate for public education. The priorities for the Association are described in the publication of the Key Work of OPSBA.

Collective Bargaining

OPSBA believes that teachers and education workers deeply influence a positive and productive learning environment for students and are supported in this role through the peace and stability engendered by successfully negotiated collective agreements.